Millie is going to have a LITTLE SISTER!

It never fails. I am the worst at the gender gut feeling. Both times, I totally thought it is a boy. We found out at 14 weeks this time, so I’m looking forward to our 19 week scan. The entire growing a human thing absolutely blows my mind. The past two months have been full of highs and lows.

High- dreaming of our sweet girl

Lows- so many doctor appointments, establishing new normals in caring for diabetes, and accepting the high risk pregnancy status (I hope I can write a post soon with more details about my type one pregnancy.)


I feel like my belly has popped a lot faster with this pregnancy. I’ve been working hard to maintain control over my diet and continuing to exercise. For me, diet and exercise is KEY to blood sugar control. I have doubled my carb intake to make sure the babe is getting what she needs, and I now feel more pregnant in yoga when my belly has to be accommodated for in some poses.